Dr. Karly Downs
Dr. Karly J. Downs is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and the Marriage and Family Therapy Clinic Director. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Alabama and specializes in working with anxiety, depression, and addictions. She has experience both in the academic and private practice fields. Dr. Downs received her Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 2014.
PhD Human Development and Michigan State University 2014
Family Studies with a
Specialization in Couple and
Family Therapy
M.A. Couple and Family Therapy Michigan State University 2009
B.A. Psychology Albion College 2006
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor/Clinical Director University of Alabama
Fall 2015-Present
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Human Development & Family Studies
Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s Program
Private Practice: Reflection Therapy
Summer 2013-Summer 2015
Clinician specializing in couple, family and individual therapy.
Clinical Supervisor University of Alabama
Spring 2013-Present
Supervisor of Marriage and Family Therapy students within the Capstone Family Therapy Clinic at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Clinical Supervisor Intern Mercer University
Fall 2011-Summer 2012
Completed 190 hours of Supervision with a group of 15 masters level student therapists in the
Marriage and Family Therapy program at Mercer University in Atlanta Georgia.
Completed 74 hours of Supervision of Supervision with an AAMFT approved supervisor.
Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Therapy Supervision: Training
Spring 2011
Completed 30 hour training Program, March 2011, Santa Fe New Mexico
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy: Winter Institute
Internship: Perspectives Therapy Services
Fall 2009-Summer 2010
Nine Month Internship
Case Load of approximately 15 Clients per Week
Office Manager: Five hours per Week
Summer 2009-Fall 2010
Fall 2007-Summer 2009
Fall 2006; Spring 2007; Fall 2007; Spring 2008
Fall 2006
Assessment of Alcohol Use and Education
Internship: Psychological Technician, Oaklawn Hospital Psychiatric Center, Marshall Michigan
August 2005-December 2005: 150 Hours
Posters and Presentations
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy National Conference: Poster
Spring 2016
Mindful Values-Guided Action and Therapeutic Presence
Alabama Association of Marriage and Family Therapy State Conference: Presentation
Spring 2016
MFTS and Psychiatrists Playing in the Sandbox Together: A Quick Guide to Understanding Child and Adolescent Disorders
Karly J. Downs and Blake Berryhill
Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Symposium: Presentation
Spring 2016
Redefining Work-Life Balance: What Does Having it All Meant to You?
Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Symposium: Presentation
Spring 2016
Closing panel member for WISE Symposium
Take Your Child To Work Day: Presentation
Fall 2015
Expressing Emotions Through Art
National Counsel of Family Relations: Poster
Fall 2009
Informed Not-Knowing: Case Study
Examination of How to Work with Families Across Cultures
Karly J. Downs and Kendal Holtrop
Fall 2009
Daddy, is That Really You?: Experiential Therapy with Adult Children of Alcoholics
Adam B. Downs, Karly J. Downs and Richard S. Wampler
Michigan Association of Marriage and Family Therapy: Annual Conference, Poster
Spring 2008
Does This Make me Look Scrawny? Masculine Messages and Behavioral Reactions: Men with Eating Disorders
National Counsel of Family Relations: Poster
Fall 2008
A Substantative and Methodological Review: Family Treatments for Eating Disorders
Karly J. Downs and Dr. Adrian Blow
National Guard Reunion Workshops: Presentation
Fall 2007; Spring 2008
Presentation on Stress and Parenting to National Guard members and their spouses.
Michigan Undergraduate Research Conference: Presentation
Spring 2006
Adolescent Conflict between Siblings and Peers: Affective Quality and Conflict Resolution
American Psychological Society: Poster
May 2005
Authoritarianism, Religious Fundamentalism, Social Dominance Orientation, and Attitude towards Social Issues:
Mark I. Walter, Corey M. Madura, Karly J. Redburn (Downs)
Downs, A.B., Seedall, R.B., Taylor, N.C., & Downs, K.J. (2015). Attachment-based considerations for addressing adolescent substance use (ASU) in a family context. American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 28-43.
Downs, K.J., & Blown, A.J. (2013). A substantive and methodological review of family-based treatment for eating disorders: the last 25 years of research. Journal of Family Therapy, 35, 3-28.
Awards Received
David K. and Patricia B. Hogberg Award for Research Excellence in Psychology
PhD Human Development and Michigan State University 2014
Family Studies with a
Specialization in Couple and
Family Therapy
M.A. Couple and Family Therapy Michigan State University 2009
B.A. Psychology Albion College 2006
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor/Clinical Director University of Alabama
Fall 2015-Present
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department of Human Development & Family Studies
Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s Program
Private Practice: Reflection Therapy
Summer 2013-Summer 2015
Clinician specializing in couple, family and individual therapy.
Clinical Supervisor University of Alabama
Spring 2013-Present
Supervisor of Marriage and Family Therapy students within the Capstone Family Therapy Clinic at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Clinical Supervisor Intern Mercer University
Fall 2011-Summer 2012
Completed 190 hours of Supervision with a group of 15 masters level student therapists in the
Marriage and Family Therapy program at Mercer University in Atlanta Georgia.
Completed 74 hours of Supervision of Supervision with an AAMFT approved supervisor.
Fundamentals of Marriage and Family Therapy Supervision: Training
Spring 2011
Completed 30 hour training Program, March 2011, Santa Fe New Mexico
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy: Winter Institute
Internship: Perspectives Therapy Services
Fall 2009-Summer 2010
Nine Month Internship
Case Load of approximately 15 Clients per Week
Office Manager: Five hours per Week
- Marketing
- Organization
- Filing
- Answering Phones
Summer 2009-Fall 2010
- Couple and Family Therapist
- Case Load of approximately 15 Clients per Week
- Clients consisted of Individuals, Couples and Families
Fall 2007-Summer 2009
- Couple and Family Therapy Intern
- Case Load of approximately 15 Clients per Week
- Clients consisted of Individuals, Couples and Families
Fall 2006; Spring 2007; Fall 2007; Spring 2008
- Observed and Assisted Parenting and Couples Educational Workshops
- Organized Participants Attending Workshops (handouts, seating, etc.)
- Presented Workshop on Stress and Parenting
- Conducted Spouses of National Guard Member’s Group Sessions
Fall 2006
Assessment of Alcohol Use and Education
Internship: Psychological Technician, Oaklawn Hospital Psychiatric Center, Marshall Michigan
August 2005-December 2005: 150 Hours
- Completed Psychiatric Social Service Evaluations: New Intakes
- Completed Activity Therapy Programs and Evaluations
- Planned and Lead Group Therapy Sessions
- Participated in Family Therapy Sessions
- Assisted in Intake of New Patients
- Assisted in Discharge of Patients
- Corresponded between Patients and Nurses
Posters and Presentations
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy National Conference: Poster
Spring 2016
Mindful Values-Guided Action and Therapeutic Presence
Alabama Association of Marriage and Family Therapy State Conference: Presentation
Spring 2016
MFTS and Psychiatrists Playing in the Sandbox Together: A Quick Guide to Understanding Child and Adolescent Disorders
Karly J. Downs and Blake Berryhill
Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Symposium: Presentation
Spring 2016
Redefining Work-Life Balance: What Does Having it All Meant to You?
Women In Science and Engineering (WISE) Symposium: Presentation
Spring 2016
Closing panel member for WISE Symposium
Take Your Child To Work Day: Presentation
Fall 2015
Expressing Emotions Through Art
National Counsel of Family Relations: Poster
Fall 2009
Informed Not-Knowing: Case Study
Examination of How to Work with Families Across Cultures
Karly J. Downs and Kendal Holtrop
Fall 2009
Daddy, is That Really You?: Experiential Therapy with Adult Children of Alcoholics
Adam B. Downs, Karly J. Downs and Richard S. Wampler
Michigan Association of Marriage and Family Therapy: Annual Conference, Poster
Spring 2008
Does This Make me Look Scrawny? Masculine Messages and Behavioral Reactions: Men with Eating Disorders
National Counsel of Family Relations: Poster
Fall 2008
A Substantative and Methodological Review: Family Treatments for Eating Disorders
Karly J. Downs and Dr. Adrian Blow
National Guard Reunion Workshops: Presentation
Fall 2007; Spring 2008
Presentation on Stress and Parenting to National Guard members and their spouses.
Michigan Undergraduate Research Conference: Presentation
Spring 2006
Adolescent Conflict between Siblings and Peers: Affective Quality and Conflict Resolution
American Psychological Society: Poster
May 2005
Authoritarianism, Religious Fundamentalism, Social Dominance Orientation, and Attitude towards Social Issues:
Mark I. Walter, Corey M. Madura, Karly J. Redburn (Downs)
Downs, A.B., Seedall, R.B., Taylor, N.C., & Downs, K.J. (2015). Attachment-based considerations for addressing adolescent substance use (ASU) in a family context. American Journal of Family Therapy, 43, 28-43.
Downs, K.J., & Blown, A.J. (2013). A substantive and methodological review of family-based treatment for eating disorders: the last 25 years of research. Journal of Family Therapy, 35, 3-28.
Awards Received
David K. and Patricia B. Hogberg Award for Research Excellence in Psychology